???Development & Evolution Life Long Learning?? is the largest centre for Adult Education in the region of Arcadia, Greece. With over 500m2 of class and labs space we excel in supplying flexible high quality learning opportunities to adult learners of all ages, with a focus on the low-skilled/low-qualified, the unemployed, socially vulnerable groups, persons with special needs, and those who want to diversify their skillset or become certified in one of our state-accredited programmes.
During the years of our operation, we have established concrete ties with the local communities, by systematically heeding and answering their training and educational needs, pursuing an ever strengthening cooperation between the world of education and training, the civil society and the world of work. Throughout this process we have been steadily upholding our mission values for an inclusive and quality assured educational offer for all. This is our heritage and it strategically guides our course to growth and moulds our plans for continuous development and evolution.