Our Mission


The mission of ???Development & Evolution Life Long Learning?? is to support the development and promotion of active policies that enhance the employability of human resources. Keeping in mind these driving principles, we go all out to:

  • Offer qualifications and professional skills to the unemployed and to the active workforce, after having analysed relevant needs on the basis of the ever evolving occupational, technological, and socio-economic developments in the labour market.
  • Foster and promote entrepreneurship with a focus on young people and women, through the provision of consulting services and coaching on business financing opportunities.
  • Promote and facilitate the integration of the unemployed into the labour market by providing counselling and coaching, as well as personalised support.
  • Promote equal access to education and employment to socially vulnerable groups or those at risk of social exclusion.



Riga Feraiou 127

2710 227703



Astros-Paralio Astros

27550 240946975803004

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